Friday, March 26, 2010

Aura Imaging Photography

Aura Imaging Photography
By Lifeworkswest Hypnosis Group

St. George Utah

435 256 0315

What is an Aura Video Station ?

The Aura Video Station is the one and only Multi-Media Aura Imaging System in the world! It represents the cutting edge in Aura Imaging Technology by merging Energetic, Mind/Body Healing with Multi-Media Technology.
How It Works.
The Aura Video Station is an Interactive Multimedia Biofeedback System based on the principles of Biofeedback, Color Psychology, Energy and Mind/Body Medicine. The Aura Video Station is using Biofeedback sensors to measure, analyze, and process the biofeedback data of the energetic and activity levels of the client. This bio data is correlated with specific emotional-energetic states and then displayed on the screen.
The client's hand is laid on the Bio Sensor, which analyzes and correlates the information and feeds it to the computer. The data is then displayed on the screen as a representation of the client's aura in full pulsating color. Biofeedback also uses the measured data as graphs and charts that illustrate reactions and changes taking place in the aura and chakras.
What the Client Sees.
Clients can watch their auras in motion! The Aura Video Station shows not only the personality patterns but also the clients thought fields and the actual changes that are happening in their day-to-day life. You might see aura changes during a therapy or healing session, while talking to another person, after using different healing products or tools, during meditation or visualization, etc. Basically, the aura will change whenever an emotional, mental or energetic change is created within or around a person!

The Word Aura Means

The word aura comes from the Greek Avra meaning breeze.

The aura also known as the bio-energy field is seen as a pulsating field of energy composed of one or more moving colors surrounding the human body.

The colors and size varies according to the health and thoughts of the person observed.

Everyone has a basic color, which ties in with our personality and soul growth.

The basic color can change according to our thoughts and emotions it can sometimes be accompanied by a marvelous display of varies colors within the basic color.
When a sudden wave of emotion sweeps over a person the energy-field responds by vibrating at a rate different to the basic or "harmonic" rate. This means that the original colors can be obscured by say, crimson, red, or any color corresponding to the vibrational rate of that particular emotion.
The change is usually of a short duration and the aura resumes its normal color in a few moments. However, if the change-causing emotion is repeated often enough, it may permanently alter the hue of the basic color. This change can be positive or negative.
Frequent submission to negative emotions may result in loss of the normal harmonic rate. In this case unless steps are taken to restore balance the physical body could be adversely affected. On the other hand if one thinks positive and loving thoughts the incoming vibrationary rate may be higher than the normal basic rate resulting in blues, pinks and violets appearing in the aura.
The lines and whirls are our thought-fields. They show how we deal with problems and how clear or muddled our thoughts processes are, if we are optimistic the colors will be bright. Worried or pessimistic individuals will have a lot of dull, dark colors. The thought-fields also indicate if we are open to the awareness of our higher self, and to the understanding of our soul path.
The energy above the head shows how we are processing our thoughts. If we are an old soul it will be seen as a brilliant ball of light, which shows what we are working on at this time, in this lifetime. The energy around the feet and legs represents the path we are walking at this time. If they match in color we are on our soul path.
Aura Exploration uses technology that allows you to see your chakras, and if needed Sheila assists you to balance them. Thus changing your energy-field for the better.
For more information on energy-fields we recommend "Vibrational Medicine" Richard Gerber, MD and Infinite Mind: "Science of Human Vibrations of Consciousness" Dr.Valerie Hunt

Aura Color

Color Analysis

Deep Red
Realists, physical activity, strength & stamina
leadership, determination, will power, sexual, competitive; entrepreneurs, promoters, salespeople
detail oriented, precision-minded, perfectionist, logical, analytical, intellectual, honest, reliable; scientists, scholars, architects, accountants.
cleverness, fun, optimism, charm, urbanity, learning ability and intellect; talk show hosts, students, comedians. Any occupation that requires knowledge and quick thinking.
harmony, sociability, usually good with people and animals; teachers, healers, communicators, gardeners, romantics, party hosts, sales people.
Deep Green
goal oriented, quick minded, materialistic; motivators, directors, politicians, financiers.
caring, sensitive, loving, helpful, compassionate, peaceful, loyal, community-minded; environmentalists, charity workers, social workers, human rights advocates, nurses.
philosophical, spiritual, contemplative; emotional/mental counselors, historians, conceptualists, seekers of higher truths.
loving nature, in love, romance, attraction; couples newly in love, or nurturing love, dependent on the shade.
Fuchsia Pink
Unconditional love, universal love, non judgmental.
mysticism, idealism, open-mindedness, sensuality, charisma, non-conformity, right-brain thought intuitiveness; Psychics, visionary inventors, spiritualists, imaginative writers.
Fantasy, softness, emotional, sensitive, ethereal, visualization, writers, architects, artists.
Clear White
spiritual, meditative, transcendent, transformational, metamorphosis; gurus, extremely enlightened individuals.

Aura Exploration Body Regions

Below is a brief guide to various aura/body regions. For a thorough explanation consult an aura adviser. It is important to remember that your aura is three-dimensional, an irregularly shaped sphere and not a flat image as seen on a monitor screen or bio-image.
Body Region
ANATOMICAL LEFT SIDE (Displayed on then right side of screen and photo)
Colors move into your bio-energy field from this direction. In many cases this is an indication of what and how you perceive from the external world. Perception at this region is normally on the subconscious, intuitive level and is usually called the female side because it receives energy.
ANATOMICAL RIGHT SIDE (Displayed on the left side of the screen and photo)
Bio-energy colors exit here. You create these colors after processing input from the left aura region and, for that reason, they may be very different from the input colors. While this region might reflect exactly as you think of and express yourself, you could also discover that these broadcasting energies actually create a different impression on those around you.
A bright ball of light above the head shows the ability to connect to the higher self, the larger and brighter the light the better the connection. The color above the head also portrays the lessons or experiences you are working on in this lifetime, if the same color is also around the feet you are walking that path of learning.
As you might guess, head colors represent your current thoughts as well as your usual mental activity. It can show the tenor of, and response to, your incoming thoughts, and also show your connectedness to your higher self. This has many implications that can be fun to discover during your interpretation.
The body is central to the aura and is often the largest block of color in it. One usually has a customary body color but it can change; study for an exam and it might change to yellow & yellow-brown, follow through on a project and it may become orange.
Love is the first responsibility of the heart auric region. When this area is large, bright, and beaming one is able to both give and receive a great deal of love. Also, some of our deepest feelings, desires, and beliefs will frequently be rooted in this area.
You are walking in this light whatever it may be. If the colors are bright there is harmony and synergy in our life. On the other hand, if the colors are murky, they can signify a disruption or change in your life’s path.
Some people are able to change their aura colors almost at will. Artists of all kinds, especially performing artists, can sometimes effect rapid and dramatic changes in their auras. Those individuals with aura patterns/colors that change very little even with concentrated effort are likely to be focused on only one or two life pursuits.
A relatively smaller aura sometimes indicates low energy or unusual stress, private people, or individuals temporarily in an introspective state. A large aura can be seen around people who are both perceiving and expressing great quantities of energy information.

Aura Interpretaion

Recent color science data and centuries of cumulative observation by aura-sensitive masters have contributed to our understanding of color associations with wellbeing.

Vibrationary Rate of Color

The vibrationary rate of color according to Edwin S. Babbitt author of "The Principles of Light and Color"
Cycles Per Second
Musical Note
Extreme RED

Extreme VIOLET

Red/Orange rays
Yellow rays
Supply nerve and mental power
Green rays
Sooth and brings balance
Blue rays
Induce calmness, brings the higher consciousness into activity

Chakra Interpretation

Chakras are whirling vortices of subtle-energy. In Sanskrit the word "chakra" means wheels. The chakras are involved in taking higher energies and transmuting them to a form that can be utilized by the human body. The chakras are a main component of the energy field and each penetrates the other.
From a physiologic standpoint the chakras appear to be involved with the flow of higher energy via specific subtle energy channels into the cellular structure of the physical body. They seem to function as transformers stepping down energy of one force and frequency to a lower energy that can be used by the body.
This energy is in turn translated into hormonal, physiologic and ultimately cellular changes throughout the body. There appear to be at least seven major chakras and many minor chakras associated with the physical body.
The chakras play a vital role in the regulation of various states of consciousness especially in regard to peoples emotional nature. When the emotional body of the individual has a field disturbance related to emotional problems, that emotional disturbance becomes translated into an altered flow of subtle energy through a particular chakra.
Each of the seven chakras has a particular emotional and spiritual issue which affects its proper functioning. When an individual has unresolved emotional issues in any one of these areas, chakra dysfunction may occur. Such dysfunction leads to deprivation of nutritive subtle-energy flow to the body region and associated organs and glands supplied by that impaired chakra. If the chakra blockage is chronic, cellular imbalance and disease may occur.
Information from: "Vibrational Medicine" Chapter 1V Author: Richard Gerber, MD
Dr. Richard Gerber practices Internal medicine in Michigan, For twenty years he has been an internationally recognized researcher into alternative medical diagnosis and treatment Dr Gerber is also a very popular international teacher.
Aura Exploration uses a technology that allows you to see your chakras and if needed we can assist you to balance them, thus changing your energy-field for the better.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Aura Chakra Connection

The physical body is surrounded by an energy field; it normally extends as far as your outstretched arms. Very healthy or highly evolved spiritual people have a much larger energy field, stressed or sick people have a much smaller field.
If you are under stress or sick you use much more energy, and the quickest means for your body to get that energy is from your energy field, causing the energy field to become smaller. If you are very healthy, highly evolved, or an old soul you know from your life experiences that worry does more harm than good, and you are more likely to draw on your faith and go with the flow.
Your energy field is highly sensitive, and like a radio antenna it picks up and transmits messages to and from those around you. We are constantly in communication with everything around us, and with practice we can become very intuitive. Most therapists are able to fine-tune this ability, in other words they tune in to their clients.
Every organ of our body has it's own specific frequency and draws it's energy from the chakra that vibrates within that frequency. Chakras are a main component of the aura and each penetrates the other, they are wheel like spinning vortexes. The whirling motion forms a vacuum in the center that draws in energy, which is vibrating at its own vibrational rate. Like attracts like!
The word chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel; there are seven major chakras, and many more secondary chakras. They seem to act as step-down transformers for the higher frequency subtle energies, which are then converted into chemical, hormonal, and cellular changes in the physical body.
When, because of stress or worry our chakras are low in energy that organ does not receive the energy it needs to function correctly. Over time if the situation is not resolved it may contribute to the development of illness. By measuring the frequency of our chakras we can see if they are working correctly and if our body is in balance, or in tune.
Our cells are like miniature computers where all our experiences are recorded; therefore our emotional re-action to a childhood experience may as an adult cause us to re-act either negatively or positively when that memory is triggered in the future. Positive experiences may manifest as a confirmation of our own power or ability. Negative memories may cause us fear or anger. Your mind is in every cell of your body!
The memories that we carry from our childhood experiences reflect the image of our perception of our world, and our place in it. Each chakra is related to a specific psychological function and is personal to each person according to his or her life experiences. Experiences carry emotional energy. The emotions from past experiences become embedded in the cellular memory, and not only affect our cell tissue but relate to our emotional well-being.
Each chakra is related to certain life lessons or life experiences, and can be reflections of past and/or present relationships, traumatic experiences and memories. Instilled belief patterns and attitudes, (including parental, religious, and superstitious).
Root Chakra: Lessons related to the material world, and our stability and safety.
Sacral Chakra: Lessons related to sexuality, work, motivation, creativity and joy.
Solar Plexus: Lessons related to our, self-respect, self-esteem, and personality.
Heart Chakra: Lessons related to love (of self, and others) forgiveness, and compassion.
Throat Chakra: Lessons related to self-expression, power, and will.
Brow Chakra: Lessons related to mind, intuition, insight, and wisdom.
Crown Chakra: Lessons related to spirituality and connection to our own higher self.

Seven Major Chakras

Crown (Seventh)
789,000,000,000,000 + times per second
Musical Note:
B (Ti)
Inner Light
Soul, Universal Consciousness
BROW (Sixth)
658,000,000,000,000 + times per second
Musical Note:
A (La)
Inner Sound
ESP, Individual Consciousness
THROAT (Fifth)
622,000,000,000,000+ times per second
Musical Note:
G (So)
Communication. Expressing, Receiving, Power
HEART (Fourth)
577,000,000,000,000+ times per second
Musical Note:
F (Fa)
Love, Caring, Unconditional acceptance of others
535,000,000,000,000+ times per second
Musical Note:
E (Me)
Nervous, Digestive
Thoughts, Opinions, Judgments
SACRAL (Second)
506,000,000,000,000+ times per second
Musical Note:
D (Re)
Reproduction, Assimilation
Creativity, Sexuality, Appetite, Feelings
ROOT (First)
471,000,000,000,000+ times per second
Musical Note:
C (Do)
Skeleton, Adrenals, Lymph
Survival, Power, Motivation, Intent, Pleasure

First Chakra

The Root - Base – Kundalini - Muladhara
ROOT (First)
256 Hz
Musical Note:
C (Do), Vowel: Uh, Bija: Lam, Shad Sound: Thunder, Instrument Drum
At the base of the spine and pubic bone
Area of consciousness:
Physical body
Physical organs:
The gonads, the adrenals, and the spinal column
Life Lessons:
Lessons related to the material world, stability and safety
Survival, Power, Motivation, Intent, Pleasure, Grounding
PHYSICAL DISFUNCTIONS AND RELATING EMOTIONAL ISSUES With any physicals dysfunction we need to look for the underlying mental/emotional core issues.
Some of the physical issues connected to the Root Chakra are: Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumors, depression, Immune related disorders.
The embedded Mental/Emotional core issues needing to be explored: Was there lack of family and group safety and security, in other words did the child lack a sense of safety and belonging, were the parents able to provide life's necessities. Was there a lack of family or social law and order. Was the child able to stand up for its self?
Balancing the Root Chakra
Fragances and Essential Oils
Calming Fragances:
Cedarwood, Patchouli

Stimulating Fragances:
Musk, Lavender

Crystals and Gem Stones
Hematite, Red Jasper, Black Onyx, Obsidian

The calming fragrances should be used if you feel over anxious or stressed, need to quiet the mind and come back into balance. The stimulating fragrances should be used if you experience low vitality, have difficulty in making choices; need to open to the joy of life.
There are a number of ways in which the fragrances may be used. Put a few drops in your bath, heat it in a diffuser, burn it as a joss stick or incense. Sniff a few drops of oil from your hand or apply directly to the area of the chakra. You may experiment mixing the fragrances to form a blended oil for the objective you have in mind.
NOTE! Most essential oils are very concentrated, so when applying them directly to the skin it is safer to put them into a carrier oil such as almond oil or apricot kernel oil.

Second Chakra

The Sacral Chakra- Savdisthana
Sacral (Second)
288 Hz
Musical Note:
D (re), Vowel: Ooo, Bija: Vam. Shabd sound: Ocean, Instrument: Brass
Just below the navel
Area of consciousness:
Etheric body / Lower Astral
Physical organs:
The spleen, kidneys, bladder
Life Lessons:
Sexuality, work, motivation, creativity and joy
Life Energy,Creativity, and sexuality
PHYSICAL DISFUNCTIONS AND RELATING EMOTIONAL ISSUES With any physicals dysfunction we need to look for the underlying mental/emotional core issues.
Some of the physical issues connected to the Sacral Chakra are: Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, pelvic pain, gynecological problems, sexual impotency or addiction, urinary problems.
The embedded Mental/Emotional core issues needing to be explored: Feelings of blame or guilt, lack of money, lack of power, or control. Inability to be creative. Sexual abuse victim or lack of sexual control.
Balancing the Sacral Chakra
Fragances and Essential Oils
Calming Fragances:
Musk, Amber

Stimulating Fragances:
Rosemary, Rose, Geranium

Crystals and Gem Stones
Carnelian, Tigers Eye, Orange, Calcite

The calming fragrances should be used if you feel over anxious or stressed, need to quiet the mind and come back into balance. The stimulating fragrances should be used if you experience low vitality, have difficulty in making choices; need to open to the joy of life.

Third Chakra

The Solar Plexus, Navel, Manipura Chakra
Solar (Third)
320 hz
Musical Note:
E (Me) Vowel:, Oh Bija:, Ram Shabd Sound: Roaring Fire, Instrument Sax
Just above the navel
Area of consciousness:
Higher Astral / Lower (material) Mental
Physical organs:
The adrenal glands, pancreas, liver, stomach, nervous system, and bladder.
Life Lessons:
Lessons related to our self-respect, self-esteem, and personality.
Thought, opinions, and judgments, Power
PHYSICAL DISFUNCTIONS AND RELATING EMOTIONAL ISSUES With any physicals dysfunction we need to look for the underlying mental/emotional core issues.
Some of the physical issues connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra are: Arthritis, ulcers, colon/intestinal problems, diabetes, pancreatitis, indigestion, anorexia / bulimia, liver dysfunction, hepatitis.
The embedded Mental/Emotional core issues needing to be explored: Lack of trust, self-esteem, self-respect, confidence. Seeking approval. Lack of life purpose. Difficulty in making decisions. Sensitivity to criticism
Balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra
Fragances and Essential Oils
Calming Fragances:
Vetivert, Rose

Stimulating Fragances:
Bergamot, Ylang-Ylang

Crystals and Gem Stones
Citrine, Golden Selenite

The calming fragrances should be used if you feel over anxious or stressed, need to quiet the mind and come back into balance. The stimulating fragrances should be used if you experience low vitality, have difficulty in making choices; need to open to the joy of life.

Fourth Chakra

The Heart Chakra-Anahata
Heart (Fourth)
Green / Blue
341.3 HZ
Musical Note:
F (Fa), Vowel:Ah, Bija: Yam, Shabd: Sound Wind, Instrument Violin
Midway between the shoulder blades
Area of consciousness:
Higher Mental Body / Higher Emotional Energies
Physical organs:
The heart, thymus gland, (immune system) circulatory system.
Life Lessons:
Lessons related to love (of self and others) forgiveness, and compassion.
Love, compassion, and unconditional acceptance of others
PHYSICAL DISFUNCTIONS AND RELATING EMOTIONAL ISSUES With any physicals dysfunction we need to look for the underlying mental/emotional core issues.
Some of the physical issues connected to the Heart Chakra are: Congestive heart failure, heart attack, mitral valve prolapse, lung cancer, breast cancer allergies, bronchial pneumonia.
The embedded Mental/Emotional core issues needing to be explored: Lack of love, of self and / or others. Bitterness, resentment, grief, anger, lonliness. Sense of abandonment. Lack of commitment hope and trust.
Balancing the Heart Chakra
Fragances and Essential Oils
Calming Fragances:
Sandalwood, Rose

Stimulating Fragances:
Pine, Honeysuckle

Crystals and Gem Stones
Hematite, Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Malachite, Ruby

The calming fragrances should be used if you feel over anxious or stressed, need to quiet the mind and come back into balance. The stimulating fragrances should be used if you experience low vitality, have difficulty in making choices; need to open to the joy of life.
There are a number of ways in which the fragrances may be used. Put a few drops in your bath, heat it in a diffuser, burn it as a joss stick or incense. Sniff a few drops of oil from your hand or apply directly to the area of the chakra. You may experiment mixing the fragrances to form a blended oil for the objective you have in mind.
NOTE! Most essential oils are very concentrated, so when applying them directly to the skin it is safer to put them into a carrier oil such as almond oil or apricot kernel oil.

Fifth Chakra

The Throat Chakra-Vishuddhi
Throat (Fifth)
384 Hz
Musical Note:
G (So), Vowel Eye, Bija: Ham, Shabd sound: Crickets, Instrument: Flute
Throat area
Area of consciousness:
First of the three Higher Spiritual Centers of Consciousness.
Physical organs:
Throat and vocal chords, thyroid and lungs.
Life Lessons:
Lessons related self-expression, power and will.
Communication, Expression of thought and feelings, Power
PHYSICAL DISFUNCTIONS AND RELATING EMOTIONAL ISSUES With any physicals dysfunction we need to look for the underlying mental/emotional core issues.
Some of the physical issues connected to the Throat Chakra are: Laryngitis, chronic sore throat, thyroid problems, mouth ulcers, swollen glands, joint problems, scoliosis.
The embedded Mental/Emotional core issues needing to be explored: Inability to express or create, no strength of will. Addiction, Inability to follow a dream or make decisions. Lack of faith. Judgement and criticism.
Balancing the Throat Chakra
Fragances and Essential Oils
Calming Fragances:
Lavender, Hyacinth

Stimulating Fragances:
Patchouli, White musk

Crystals and Gem Stones
Hematite, Turquoise, Chrysocolla, Purple Rainbow, Fluorite

The calming fragrances should be used if you feel over anxious or stressed, need to quiet the mind and come back into balance. The stimulating fragrances should

The Sixth Chakra

The Brow Chakra-3rd Eye-Ajna
Brow (Sixth)
426.7 Hz,
Musical Note:
A (La) Vowel: Aye, Bija: Sham, Shabd Sound: Twinkling Bells, Instrument: Crystal Bowl
Center of head, behind forehead
Area of consciousness:
Higher Spiritual Center of awareness.
Physical organs:
Pineal / pituitary.
Life Lessons:
Lessons related to mind, intuition, insight, and wisdom.
ESP, Individual Consciousness.
Inner Sound
PHYSICAL DISFUNCTIONS AND RELATING EMOTIONAL ISSUES With any physicals dysfunction we need to look for the underlying mental/emotional core issues.
Some of the physical issues connected to the Brow Chakra are: Brain tumor, hemorrhage / stroke, seizures, neurological problems, blindness, deafness, learning disabilities.
The embedded Mental/Emotional core issues needing to be explored: Confusion, feelings of inadequacy, lack of openness to ideas or wishes to learn. Lack of co-operation. Difficulty in learning from experience. Emotional disconnect.
Balancing the Brow Chakra
Fragances and Essential Oils
Calming Fragances:
White Musk, Hyacinth

Stimulating Fragances:
Violet, Rose Geranium

Crystals and Gem Stones
Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Clear Quartz

The calming fragrances should be used if you feel over anxious or stressed, need to quiet the mind and come back into balance. The stimulating fragrances should be used if you experience low vitality, have difficulty in making choices; need to open to the joy of life.

The Seventh Chakra

The Crown Chakra-Sahasrara
Crown (Seventh)
White or Violet
480 Hz
Musical Note:
B (Ti), Vowel: Eeee, Bija: Om, Shabd Sound: Om, Instrument: Human Voice
Top of the head
Area of consciousness:
Higher self, spiritual or causal body, cosmic consciousness.
Physical organs:
Pineal Gland.
Life Lessons:
Lessons related to spirituality, and connection to our own higher self.

Our connection to our concept of "God" or a higher intelligence. Transcendence
Inner Light All of elements in balance
PHYSICAL DISFUNCTIONS AND RELATING EMOTIONAL ISSUES With any physicals dysfunction we need to look for the underlying mental/emotional core issues.
Some of the physical issues connected to the Crown Chakra are: Lack of energy, depression, retreating within, becoming a recluse. Sensitivity to light and / or sound. Inability to concentrate.
The embedded Mental/Emotional core issues needing to be explored: A feeling of not belonging on earth. Wishing to disconnecxt from everyday life,. Worrying about humanity, the environment, longing for world peace. (These people need to be grounded and reconnected to their faith, inspiration and the power of love.)
Balancing the Crown Chakra
Fragances and Essential Oils
Calming Fragances:
Rosemary, Bergamot

Stimulating Fragances:
Violet, Amber

Crystals and Gem Stones
Amethyst, Clear Quartz

The calming fragrances should be used if you feel over anxious or stressed, need to quiet the mind and come back into balance. The stimulating fragrances should be used if you experience low vitality, have difficulty in making choices; need to open to the joy of life.
There are a number of ways in which the fragrances may be used. Put a few drops in your bath, heat it in a diffuser, burn it as a joss stick or incense. Sniff a few drops of oil from your hand or apply directly to the area of the chakra. You may experiment mixing the fragrances to form a blended oil for the objective you have in mind.
NOTE! Most essential oils are very concentrated, so when applying them directly to the skin it is safer to put them into a carrier oil such as almond oil or apricot kernel oil.

The Siseased Chakra

Root Chakra
Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumors, depression, Immune related disorders.
Lack of family and group safety and security. Parent's lack of ability to provide life's necessities. Inability to stand up for self, lack of family or social law and order.
Sacral Chakra
Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, pelvic pain, gynecological problems, sexual impotency, or addiction, urinary problems.
Feelings of blame or guilt, lack of money, lack of power or control. Inability to be creative. Sexual, abuse victim, or lack of sexual control.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Arthritis, ulcers, colon/intestinal problems, diabetes, pancreatitis, indigestion, anorexia/bulimia, liver dysfunction, hepatitis.
Lack of: Trust, self-esteem, self-respect, confidence. Seeking approval. Lack of life purpose. Difficulty in making decisions, sensitivity to criticism.
Heart Chakra
Congestive heart failure, heart attack, Mitral valve prolapse, lung cancer, allergies, bronchial pneumonia, breast cancer.
Lack of love of self and/or others. Bitterness, resentment, grief, anger, loneliness, sense of abandonment. Lack of commitment hope and trust.
Throat Chakra
Laryngitis, chronic sore throat, thyroid problems, mouth ulcers, swollen glands, joint problems, scoliosis.
Inability to express, or create, no strength of will, addiction. Inability to follow a dream or make decisions, lack of faith. Judgment and criticism.
Brow Chakra
Brain tumor, hemorrhage/stroke, seizures, neurological problems, blindness deafness, learning disabilities. Head aches.
Confusion, feelings of inadequacy, lack of openness to ideas/wishes of learn. Lack of cooperation. Difficulty in learning from experience. Emotional disconnect.
Crown Chakra
Lack of energy, depression, retreating within, becoming a recluse. Sensitivity to light and/or sound. Inability to concentrate.
A feeling of not belonging on earth, Wishing to disconnect from every day life. Worrying about humanity, the environment, longing for world peace. (These people need to be grounded and reconnected to their faith, inspiration, and the power of love.).

Essential Oils and Chakra- Aura

Root Chakra
Calming Fragances:
Cedarwood, Patchouli

Stimulating Fragances:
Musk, Lavender

Sacral Chakra
Calming Fragances:
Musk, Amber

Stimulating Fragances:
Rosemary, Rose Geranium

Solar Plexus Chakra
Calming Fragances:
Vetivert, Rose

Stimulating Fragances:
Bergamot, Ylang-Ylang

Heart Chakra
Calming Fragances:
Sandalwood, Rose

Stimulating Fragances:
Pine, Honeysuckle

Throat Chakra
Calming Fragances:
Lavender, Hyacinth

Stimulating Fragances:
Patchouli, White Musk

Brow Chakra
Calming Fragances:
White Musk, Hyacinth

Stimulating Fragances:
Violet, Rose, Geranium

Crown Chakra
Calming Fragances:
Rosemary, Bergamot

Stimulating Fragances:
Violet, Amber

The calming fragrances should be used if you feel over anxious or stressed, need to quiet the mind and come back into balance. The stimulating fragrances should be used if you experience low vitality, have difficulty in making choices; need to open to the joy of life.
There are a number of ways in which the fragrances may be used. Put a few drops in your bath, heat it in a diffuser, burn it as a joss stick or incense. Sniff a few drops of oil from your hand or apply directly to the area of the chakra. You may experiment mixing the fragrances to form a blended oil for the objective you have in mind.
NOTE! Most essential oils are very concentrated, so when applying them directly to the skin it is safer to put them into a carrier oil such as almond oil or apricot kernel oil.

Crystals and Gem Stones

Root Chakra
Hematite, Red Jasper, Black Onyx, Obsidian
Sacral Chakra
Carnelian, Tigers Eye, Orange Calcite
Solar Plexus Chakra
Citrine, Golden Selanite
Heart Chakra
Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Malachite, Ruby
Throat Chakra
Turquoise, Chrysocolla, Purple Rainbow Fluorite
Brow Chakra
Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Clear Quartz
Crown Chakra
Amethyst, Clear Quartz
Crystals balance and amplify energy fields ---- they are used in communication devices. Crystals can be used to make elixirs by placing the crystal in water for 24 hours, preferably in the sun. Please get full directions before using this method.
Disclaimer!The information on this website is offered as a service and is not meant to replace any medical treatment. Please read the recommended books and use your own judgment on the legitimacy of the information provided.
Recommended Reading: "Love Is In The Earth" by Melody.

Other Chakra Systems

Our consciousness extends way beyond the human aura and replicates the physical chakra system.
7 Chakras
Chakras are a main component of the Aura and each penetrates the other.
7 Chakras
An energetic form which energizes all aspects of the physical body and dies with the human body. Sometimes called the body’s template.
7 Chakras
The seat of our emotion and desire also holds thought-Forms. Operates outside of conventional time and Space, E.g. OBE’s.
The above three fields are scientifically supported.
It is believed that the subtle bodies, which extend into the frequency range beyond that of the astral plane, also have corresponding chakra like transformers that transmit energy down to the astral, etheric, and physical bodies.
Holds ideas, inventions. Tapping into higher knowing. Produces stronger and longer lasting healing results. (The Hundredth Monkey Syndrome)
Closest thing to our higher self. Holds higher levels Of spiritual energy and past-life memories and affords access to our souls purpose. Is the strongest source of healing.
It is thought that shifting the frequency focus of ones consciousness one may be able to tune into specific time frames outside of the present, into the "Eternal Now" where past, present and future exist simultaneously.Recommended Reading: 100th Monkey

Chakra Energy Pendulums

7 Chakra Pendulums with large semi-precious natural gemstone balls, elegant sterling silver chain, and/or 925 silver point and cap, and natural semi-precious gemstone beads representing each chakra color. Their 6" length is specially made for Aura Exploration for finding/measuring the chakras and Aura. Choose your stone for its attributes, or its attraction to you. This pendulum may also be held on a particular chakra stone for specific dowsing. Handcrafted in the USA by Dowser Ann Rivers.
The energy of these faceted Quartz Bobbers is enhanced with 3 stones of the same crystal centered on the sterling silver chain. Choose your stone for its attributes, or your attraction to it. Their 6" length is specially made for Aura Exploration for finding/measuring the chakras and Aura. Handcrafted in the USA by Dowser Ann Rivers.
Simple, efficient, and effective these large semi-precious gemstone ball pendulums are matched at their holding end with the same stone. Their sterling silver chain and 6" length is advantageous for finding and/or measuring the chakras and Aura. Choose your stone for its attributes, or its attraction to you. Handcrafted in the USA by Dowser Ann Rivers for Aura Exploration.
From each elaborate 925 silver point, large semi-precious gemstone ball, and 925 silver cap, to the sterling silver chain, to the matching gemstone ball at the holding end, these pendulums swing with elegance and excellence. Their 6" length is specially made for Aura Exploration for finding and/or calibrating the chakras and Aura. Choose your stone by your attraction to it, or for its attributes. Handcrafted in the USA by Dowser Ann Rivers.
Please Note: Actual sizes, colors, and physical attributes of the stones may vary slightly from the photographs due to the inherent individuality of the natural stones. The sterling silver findings and chain style/thickness may also vary slightly due to changes in supply and volatile world market prices. Thank you for your understanding.

Light Sound Technology and Aura Mastery


The study of "brainwaves" has played a vital role in the understanding of how the brain and mind function. Discovered in the 1920s by German researcher Hans Berger, these tiny electrical signals mirror the shifting patterns of mental activity. They are measured by attaching special sensors, called electrodes, to the scalp; these pick up brainwave activity which is then measured by an instrument called an elec-troencephalograph, or EEG. Brainwave activity tends to fall into four groups: beta, alpha, theta and delta. These categories are associated with the rapidity of oscillation (frequency) of brainwaves. As it turns out, certain patterns of brainwave activity are also associated with specific mental states.

Beta is associated with normal, waking consciousness; attention directed towards the external environment. You are most likely in the "beta state" as you read this. Beta waves oscillate between approximately 14 and 30 times per second (Hz).
Alpha is relaxed, not thinking about anything in particular, sometimes a pleasurable feeling of "floating". Often dominant in certain kinds of meditation, alpha waves have for the past twenty years been associated with calm, lucid mental states (the "alpha state"). They are also often detected during dream sleep. Alpha waves oscillate between 9 and 13 times per second.
Theta Found in states of deep relaxation, theta activity is also associated with bursts of creative insight, twilight ("sleep") learning and vivid mental imagery. It is also found in more advanced meditators. Theta waves oscillate between 4 and 8 times per second.
Delta This slowest of brainwave activity, is found during deep dreamless sleep and sometimes in very experienced meditators. They oscillate between 1 and 3 Hz.
Your brainwave activity is constantly shifting and changing during the day and night. Virtually every form of mental and physical activity will cause changes in this activity. Abrupt, unexpected noises or other events will quickly alter your brainwave patterns. Even watching TV can dramatically alter brainwave activity in an undirected manner.Over the years many techniques have been developed to allow you to enter these states, particularly alpha and theta, at will. Most methods, such as meditation, require years of regular practice to master. Alpha wave biofeedback,

Aura- Chakra Mastery Protocols

Aura-Chakra Mastery Protocols

The Mastery of Aura-Chakra will increase an individual’s homeostasis (state of well being). There are many protocols, we have listed Fragrances and Essential Oils, Crystals - Gem stones and Musical notes & Vibration that work well. We have also posted information about Light & Sound Technology and it effects on an individual’s mental rhythms.

After years of experimentation we feel that we have learned to combine Music and the proper vibration, Light & Sound Technology, Crystals, and Essential Oils.

In each session with us, we make a before assessment, deliver the protocol using a combination of all the tools, and then have an after assessment. This protocol is about two hours.

After the session we would like our clients to continue to educate them self’s on self help way of finding homeostasis with application of Aura-Chakra Mastery.

We do recommend that our clients see us about 4 times a year for check ups and reapplication of our protocol.